Lives transformed in 2021
Women Reached Out to in 2021
Testimonies in 2021

We are a worldwide Organization

We Are World WIde Organization

BOMB is a female led organization that provides quality intervention methods to women problems and encourages improved lifestyle and wellbeing of Christian women through awareness and education. We make use of proven solutions of counselling and psychoeducation to enable women live richer and fuller lives. We equally strengthen women’s resolve to improve their marital relationship, renew their marriage vows, deepen intimacy, love their bodies, self-care, raise godly children, develop career, build businesses and enjoy a blossoming relationship with God. 

Meet Our Adminstrative Body

Organization Causes

Protect and enhance poverty.


Join a practical group of Christian women on a mission

Multiple Event & Conference

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat.


Women Empowerment

How We Started

BOMB came into physical existence on the 10th of February, 2014 when Temiloluwa Moronkeji created a group on WhatsApp for women. The group provides a no-holds-barred platform where women can express their insecurities without fear of being judged.

We Help Thousand Of People

Our Volunteers

Have Any Question

+234 902 363 5852

Recent News & Updates

Protect and enhance poverty.